Parco Valentino. Mole Valentino automobile

Salone “Parco Valentino” 2016 e modello “Mole Valentino”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Anche quest’anno Gr Painting sarà presente all’evento “Parco Valentino” e lo farà in grande stile. Insieme ad Aras, Foglizzo e Skorpion esporrà in anteprima il modello “Mole Valentino”, vi aspettiamo quindi numerosi dall’8 al 12 giugno nell’area espositiva esterna di Corso Massimo d’Azeglio ed aree limitrofe.

Parco Valentino, stand Gr Painting

Here we are at Parco Valentino!

We have reached the most important weekend! We look forward to meeting you on our stand at Parco Valentino with three style models on show and… a refrigerator!

Our new WEB site

Designed for all modern devices, our new website is now online and features a huge gallery section arranged by sectors of application and a description of all our spheres of action:

Parco Valentino, salone e gran premio

“Parco Valentino” Exhibition 2015

GR Painting will have its own stand at the “Parco Valentino | Exhibition and Grand Prix” event – an outdoor show (and celebratory Grand Prize exclusively for private collectors) scheduled in Turin 11-14 June