
Privacy Policy

Guidelines (UE) 2016/679 GDPR

Informative for personal data gathered through the surfing on the web site.

GDPR impose to inform the person concerned about the key elements of the process.
Since GR PAINTING srl completely fulfill the rules of the concerned treatment, intends to inform you about: the data nature we posess, the purpose and modality in which the personal information are treated, and the related communicationd and spread of them. According to the law previously stated, GR PAINTING ensures that the treatment of the personal data carry out in respect of the fundamentals rights and liberty, as well as of the dignity of the interested. The current report, is valid for each data collected by gr painting srl through its web site.

The “treatment” of the personal data means that any type of operation of collection, registration, preservation, modification, communication, cancellation and spread of personal data. The informatic system and the software procedures that make this web site work, acquire some personal information transmitted into the internet register of communication. Therefore, GR PAINTING srl will acquire personal data as soon as the user get into the website.


  1. Purpose treatment of personal data

The personal data of the users could be used to:

  1. allow surfing on internet through the public webpages of our website
  2. answer to the requests received through the e-mail addresses posted on the website
  3. obtain anonymous statistics information on the use of the website
  4. obtain anonymous statistics information on geographical areas of provenance
  5. check the correct functioning of the site
  6. the assessment of any responsability in case of illicits that could damage the site


Personal data of the users registrated to the website will be treated, not only for the finalities described above, but in particular for:

– allowing the surfing trhough the reserved webpages of our site

– effectuate the registration of the users to the required service

– fulfill the contractual obligations of the required service

– marketing finality

– dispatch of information, technicals and promotionals advertising trhough e-mail.



  1. Area of communication and spread of data

Personal data will be communicated by GR PAINTING, in italy and abroad to: persons who practice activities of analysis of data for statistics purposes and persons responsible for the website maintenance under the supervision of the holder.
In relation to the purpose of this informative, personal data are processed with automated struments and no automade struments, by the responsible person, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the objectives for which have been collected and in full observance of any cautelative measures, that guarantees safety and confidentiality, and the full respect of the obligations of law.


  1. Compulsory or facultative nature of data

No consensus required to users in order to surf through the web pages in a non-confidential way, because private data are given automatically in the protocol tcp/ip used by internet. The accession to the services offered by GR Painting srl trhough its own web site, is facultative and voluntary, as the remittance of the e-mail to the addresses indicated on this site is. The failure to transfer with the personal data recquired or the rejection of the consensus of their treatment will make impossible to obtain the registration and, therefore, the recquired service. Further information concerning the characteristics of the services offered through our web site are available in dedicated registration forms.


  1. Duration and modality of treatment

In relation to the purpose of this informative, personal data are processed with automated instruments and no automade struments, by the responsible person, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the objectives for which have been collected and in full observance of any cautelative measures, that guarantees safety and confidentiality, and the full respect of the obligations of law.


  1. Rights of the interested parts

The interested person has right to obtain confirmation of existence or not of personal data that regard it, also if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.

The interested person has right to obtain the indication:

  1. on the origin of personal data
  2. on the purposes and modalities of the treatment
  3. on the logic applied in case of treatment performed by using electronic instrument
  4. of the identify extremes of the holder, of the designated responsible
  5. of the subjects or categories of subjects to which personal data can be communicated or that may come to knowledge as a person of responsible.

The interested person has a right to obtain:

  1. update, rectification, data integration
  2. cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or the block of data processed in violation of law, including those for which conservation is not necessary in relation to the objectives for which the data have been collected or subsequently treated
  3. the attestation that the transactions referred to in (a) and (b) have been to knowledge, also as regards their content, of those to which the data have been communicated or diffused, except the case in which fulfillment reveals impossible or this means employment manifestly disproportioned of resources respect to the protected law

The interested part has a right to oppose, in all or in part:

  1. for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data that concerns them, anywhere relevant to the purpose of the collection
  2. to the processing of personal data that concern for the sending of advertising materials or direct or direct selling or for market research or commercial communication
  1. Identification extreme of the owner

The owner and responsible of the treatment of your personal data is G.R. PAINTING srl with headquarters in Strada Marbrasso, 4A/4B, 10060 NONE (TO), contact data tel. 011 9864581, fax 011 9903917, e-mail info@grpainting.it

  1. Exercise of rights:

For to exercise the rights provided by Regulation (UE) 2016/679, reported in paragraph 6 the interested person must to questions his written request to the attention of the responsible or of the holder of the treatment by one of the following ways:

Through letter recommended to the following address: G.R. PAINTING srl – Strada Marbrasso, 4A/4B – 10060 NONE (TO)

Through PEC to the following address: info@pec.grpainting.it


Holder of the treatment G.R. PAINTING srl



Informativa estesa sull’uso dei cookies

La presente informativa, o “Cookie policy”, ha lo scopo specifico di illustrare i tipi, le modalità di utilizzo nonché di fornire indicazioni circa le azioni per rifiutare o eliminare i cookie presenti sul Sito web, se lo si desidera.

I “cookies” (o “cookie”) sono sono stringhe di testo inviate da un web server al browser Internet, da quest’ultimo memorizzati automaticamente sul computer dell’utente e rinviati automaticamente al server a ogni occorrenza o successivo accesso al sito, al fine di immagazzinare informazioni sulla base delle attività in rete dell’utente. Per default quasi tutti i browser web sono impostati per accettare automaticamente i cookie. Spesso i cookie sono necessari per il normale funzionamento di un sito web. I cookie possono anche essere richiesti da soggetti terzi per abilitare determinate funzionalità nel Sito (ad esempio: YouTube, Facebook, AddThis, Twitter, Google Analytics, ecc.).

Vediamoli in dettaglio i tipi di cookie utilizzati da questa applicazione.

Cookie tecnici: Questa tipologia di cookie permette il corretto funzionamento di alcune sezioni del Sito. Sono di due categorie, temporanei (o di sessione) e persistenti (vedi sopra). Questi cookie sono necessari a visualizzare correttamente il sito e in relazione ai servizi tecnici offerti. Verranno quindi sempre utilizzati e inviati, a meno che tu non modifichi le impostazioni nel tuo browser (con la possibilità però di non sfruttare al meglio o rendere inutilizzabili alcuni servizi offerti dal sito).

Questo Sito, secondo la normativa vigente, non è tenuto a chiedere consenso per i cookie tecnici, in quanto necessari al normale funzionamento del Sito.
La maggior parte dei browser accetta automaticamente i cookies, ma l’utente normalmente può modificare le impostazioni allo scopo di disabilitare tale funzione. È possibile bloccare tutte le tipologie di cookies, oppure accettare di riceverne soltanto alcuni e disabilitarne altri. La sezione “Opzioni” o “Preferenze” nel menu del browser permette di evitare di ricevere cookies e altre tecnologie di tracciamento utente, e di ottenere notifica dal browser dell’attivazione di queste tecnologie. In alternativa è anche possibile consultare la sezione “Aiuto” presente nella maggior parte dei browser.

Per maggiori informazioni sui cookie e per gestire le preferenze sui cookie (di prima e/o terza parte) si invitano gli utenti a visitare anche la piattaforma www.youronlinechoices.com.

Altre informazioni

Il nostro Sito potrebbe contenere collegamenti ad altri siti web che dispongono di una propria informativa sui cookies che può essere diversa da quella adottata dal nostro Sito. Noi non rispondiamo di ciò, e ti invitiamo a documentarti all’interno di tali siti.

Questa pagina è visibile mediante link in calce in tutte le pagine del Sito, ai sensi dell’art. 122 secondo comma del D.lgs. 196/2003, e a seguito delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso per l’uso dei cookie, pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n.126 del 3 giugno 2014 e relativo registro dei provvedimenti n.229 dell’8 maggio 2014.
Modifiche alla presente pagina

Il Titolare del Sito si riserva il diritto di modificare i contenuti della presente pagina in qualsiasi momento e senza alcun preavviso. L’utente accetta di essere vincolato a tali eventuali e future revisioni e si impegna, pertanto, a visitare periodicamente il Sito per essere informato su eventuali variazioni.

Riferimenti legali Avviso agli Utenti europei: la presente informativa privacy è redatta in adempimento degli obblighi previsti dall’Art. 10 della Direttiva n. 95/46/CE, nonché a quanto previsto dalla Direttiva 2002/58/CE, come aggiornata dalla Direttiva 2009/136/CE, in materia di Cookie.

1/05/2015 – Gr Painting S.r.l